- Gosto de saber que a casa onde
nasci e vivi…. ainda existe … não gostava de lá voltar pois prefiro imaginá-la
igual aquilo que era….
Assim começa
a escrever Maria do Carmo. Assim começa o diário onde uma escrita redonda,
dócil e aconchegante nos acompanha nesta visita às casas onde vivi – plural, pois a vida cresce em deslocações
temporais e espaciais.
- a corredoura do andar de baixo era de
cimento vermelho .. e foi lá que aprendi a andar de patins…
Mas também
nos levam de mão dada pelas ruas da cidade: o Colégio Apresentação Maria, o
Colégio Júlio Dinis, o Caminho do Meio, a Conde Carvalhal, a Rua das Mercês [ é
redondo o nosso espaço?!]…
E até nos
levam a Cabo Verde, na voz de Mimi, a criada mulata que:
Foi. Mas
- porque quando lhe passou a zanga vinha-nos
visitar pois ficou sempre nossa amiga.
Tal como as
casas … sempre nossas amigas.
The house where I was born...
- I like to know
that the house where I was born and have lived… is still there…. I don’t want
to go back there, though. I’d rather imagine it is still is what it used to
This is how Maria do Carmo began her narrative. Her
diary starts like this and in a smooth, reassuring and chubby writing we
accompany her to the visit to – the houses where I have lived – plural, because
life grows in proportion to time and space twisting drills.
She has lived in many houses. Has she lived many
lives? Not everything was written down. It is impossible to remember it all.
However, these pages are tainted with many voices: people, cats, dogs, flowers,
children’s playing, celebrations – eternal moments that carry us into a
intimate and familiar setting:
hall of the ground floor was paved in red cement… I have learned to roller-skate there….
But it also takes us along the streets of the city:
The Apresentação Maria College, Julio Dinis College, Caminho do Meio, Conde
Carvalhal, Rua das Mêrces [ is space round,after all??!]…
And it also takes to far distant places. To Cape Verd
for instance, by the voice of Mimi, who:
- had come to
take care of the children and then became a cooker … and in the middle of a
serious row, got angry and went away…
She did left. But she came back.
when anger disappeared she came to visit us regularly because she was a friend. Our friend.
Just like the houses… they will always be our close
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