O que leva um miúdo de 12 anos a embarcar sozinho para o Brasil? O que sente um menino quando separa os seus olhos dos olhos da mãe que fica no cais, sem metade do coração? O que significa o silêncio da lembrança quando a lancha se afasta do cais e a terra vai ficando longe?
Começou assim a entrevista com Marcos Teixeira. Primeiro, o
Seixal, a escola, a professora, a terra, a vida. O pai já estava embarcado na
Venezuela. Em dia de carta, juntavam-se todos à volta da mesa, à luz de uma
lamparina. A mãe lia a carta e guardava a remessa:
– vinha sempre um dinheirinho para pagar a venda.
Olha com ternura para o passado que a memória lhe traz.
Ilustra a sua história, com retratos que fotocopiou par nos mostrar:
- a minha mãe, eu e os meus irmãos. Eu era o do meio. Esse
rapazinho de fato e gravata sou eu. Foi para a viagem:
E avança: a aventura,
a viagem no Salta, o encapelamento do mar, os clandestinos que iam no barco:
- Havia um cesto que passava debaixo da mesa. Cada um metia
lá dentro alguma coisa: um pão, fruta…. Eram quatro, desembarcaram no Rio de
Janeiro com os nossos passaportes que alguèm nos trouxe, depois, de volta . É
que eu ia para Santos.
Na sua história, há um Brasil doloroso, com saudades da mãe,
há um menino que chora quando a noite vem, há a chegada do pai e depois da mãe
e dos irmãos….
Na sua história, há a Venezuela, a padaria, o quarto, a arte
de estofador, a música… a música. Na sua história, há um disco (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leFMen96i60),
o gosto de cantar, o negócio, o trabalho, a casa, o amor, os filhos.
Na sua história, há o sucesso, o medo, a insegurança. E a
saudade do cais. Em 1977, veio à ilha pela primeira vez. Em 1980, vieram todos.
Em 1983, vem para ficar.
Da sua casa, via-se a Sé. Um desejo velho de quem sabe o que
é não estar. E ouvia-se o sino. Como dantes. E era-se feliz. Como nos sonhos.
É empresário. Falou com orgulho do que construiu, do amor
que tem à família, dos filhos, da vida que tem, entre o trabalho, a casa e a
igreja. Falou sem preconceitos de si, dos seus, de Deus.
Um homem de fé, sim. Um homem feliz.
Teixeira … Life has showed him the way
What was
the real reason for flying to Brazil at the age of twelve? What did a young boy
feel when he looked back and saw the tears in his mother’s eyes and her broken
heart? How heavy was the silence that accompanied him in the rowboat that took
him on board the vessel?
This is how
the interview has started. Marcos Teixeira talked first about his childhood in
Seixal, the school, the teacher, his house and everyday life. He explained his
father had already gone to Venezuela. He was two years old and could hardly
remember his face. Whenever a letter arrived, he and his brothers sat around the
kitchen table, his mother lighted the oil lamp and read the letter. She also kept
the money that had been sent inside the envelope:
It helped to pay the greengrocer’s
Marcos looks
back with tenderness and while talking he showed us some old pictures.
My mother, me and my brothers. I am
here, in the middle. I was dressed in a suit and tie. This picture was taken
for the passport:
And he carried
on: he talked about adventure, about the vessel, the Salta from Argentina, he remembered the rough sea and also those
who travelled undercovered:
There was a basket hidden under the
table. Everyone tried to put something inside: a piece of bread, some fruit …
there were four of them, they landed in Rio de Janeiro with our passports…
later someone brought them back. I needed my passport to land in Santos.
We have noticed some pain and some sadness. The
young boy missed his mother terribly …. He cried almost every night and sometime
later, his father joined him and so did his mother and his brothers …
In Venezuela he started working in a baker’s.
Then he decided to learn a job: upholsterer and he also started singing … he
even recorded a single http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leFMen96i60). Those were fantastic days! He started
his own business, had a house built and fell in love.
But there was also fear and a lot of
insecurity. And most of all he missed his home land. He visited Madeira in
1977. He came back for another visit with the whole family in 1980. In 1983
they settled down in Funchal.
He found a house with a view over the city and
from where he could look at the Cathedral. He could also hear the church bells.
Like it used to be when he was a child in Seixal. A dream came true!
Today he is a local businessman. He has shared
his story. He has opened his house and his heart … he is spiritual man, indeed.
He is a happy man, indeed!
Bonito trabalho tio Marcos! Parabens, Mónica.
ResponderEliminarExcelente trabalho parabéns!